yutong shi    


Born and raised in Chongqing, China, Yutong Shi is a curator of contemporary art currently based in Boston. Shi holds an MA in History of Art and Architecture from Boston University, and a BA with High Distinction in Art History from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Her specialty within global contemporary art lies in theories and representations of time, memory, and urban space, with particular interests in photography, film, and exhibition history.

Shi has held curatorial positions at the Institute of Contemporary Art/Boston (ICA), Boston University Art Galleries, Praise Shadows Art Gallery, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston (MFA), and Krannert Art Museum. Her independent curatorial project includes “Night Studio” (2024) with Behind VA Shadows, “yesterday’s gesture” (2023) at Praise Shadows Art Gallery. Previously, she has worked on exhibitions “Firelei Bàez” (2024), “Guadalupe Maravilla: Mariposa Relámpago” (2023), and “Xaviera Simmons: Sundown” (2023) at the ICA, and “Writing the Future: Basquiat and the Hip-hop Generation” (2020) at the MFA, among others.

Shi has been widely published in both English and Chinese with ArtReviews Chinese edition, ArtAsiaPacific, Boston Art Review, and contributed to artist books and catalogues. Her recent writing “Jean Shin: We Are All Here” is published in the Sep/Oct 2023 Issue of ArtAsiaPacific magazine. Her peer-reviewed essay “Cinematic Painting: Time in Liu Xiaodong’s ‘Hotbed No.1’ and Three Gorges Dam” is published in ‘Re:Search’, vol. 6 (2019): 59-86.

photo by matilda biscaldi